Sony now has a Patent for Cross-Platform NFT Trading

Sony Interactive Entertainment has filed a patent for a system that could change the way we think about NFTs by allowing them to be traded cross-platform.

The patent was filed last year and was published by the FCC on Thursday. (Via VLC) Current systems, according to the patent, are "technologically insufficient to use NFTs in different games and on different platforms."


Under the new system, purchased NFTs in the form of skins, characters, or other virtual assets would be usable in different games and even on different platforms, making them tradable between players. The patent also suggests that NFTs could be awarded to players who achieve certain game milestones, such as being the first to defeat a final boss or reaching certain levels and scores, similar to how we've understood achievements for the past few years.

No plans

While Sony has not officially announced any plans for NFTs, this move could usher in a new era in the gaming industry. The ability to move your virtual assets from game to game and even platform to platform could transform the industry. However, NFTs are not without controversy, with some critics pointing out their negative impact on power consumption and the dubious value of virtual collectibles, oh and of course the huge amount of scam games attached to them.

A sign

Despite this, several game developers have expressed interest in incorporating NFTs into their games, and Sony's patent filing could be a sign of things to come. It remains to be seen whether or not this concept will be implemented, but it is an intriguing and perhaps worrying development in the world of gaming and virtual assets.


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