Contraband Police Review: Inspect vehicles and bring glory to acaristan

Are you ready to serve your country and protect Acaristan, comrade?


Contraband Police is a one-of-a-kind and exciting game that lets players experience the thrill of border patrol while exploring the fictional country of Acaristan from the comfort of their own chair.

Contraband Police is a puzzle game in which the player inspects cars and people to determine whether they are allowed to enter the country. However, the game goes beyond that, allowing the player to make decisions that will affect the country's future.

mechanical paradise

The mechanics of the game are simple at first, but they become increasingly complex as the player progresses. The game begins by instructing the player to inspect cars and people for any irregularities from a short list. However, as the game progresses, the player is assigned additional tasks and requirements to complete, gradually but steadily tearing you apart mentally, just as Papers Please did. This keeps the game interesting and challenging, ensuring that the player is never bored.

break it

One of the most interesting parts of Contraband Police is the ability to completely destroy vehicles in order to find contraband. This is a one-of-a-kind mechanic that adds a new level of excitement to the game. The player is given advice on what to look for in cars and can use tools such as axes, knives, and crowbars to locate contraband. This is a rewarding and fun mechanic that adds another layer of depth to the game.

the detail is in the eh…details

The level of detail in Contraband Police is one of its most impressive features. Everything from the documents you have to check to the tools you use to inspect vehicles feels well thought out and thorough. And the game does an excellent job of immersing you in the role of a perhaps corrupt border patrol officer.


Another intriguing aspect of the game is the moral choices that are presented to you. Throughout the story missions, you will be forced to make decisions that will have far-reaching consequences for Acaristan's future. These decisions aren't always easy, and it's not always clear which option is best. This adds another layer of depth to the game and makes your choices feel more important.


The game also has a good sense of humor, which helps to keep things lighthearted. One of the tools you use to inspect vehicles, for example, is a rubber chicken with a UV light attached to it. It's a silly addition, but it's also a lot of fun to use and makes the world seem less depressing than it is.


One potential drawback of the game is that it can become repetitive at times. After a while, inspecting vehicles and reviewing documents can become tedious. However, the game does a good job of keeping things interesting by introducing new requirements and challenges as you progress, though it's difficult to deny that it does start to feel like a real job after a while.

Going for a whiskey sour in the weekend

The game also includes a variety of other activities in which the player can participate. For example, the player can explore the map to find new locations, drop off prisoners at a labor camp for cash, or hand in contraband at a police station for extra money, although the money is rather reductant. These activities help to keep things interesting by breaking up the gameplay.


While the game has some flaws, such as being too easy and having a somewhat redundant money system, it is an excellent game that is well worth playing. The story is engaging, and the player's decisions have a real impact on the game's outcome. The graphics and sound design are both excellent.

Overall, Contraband Police is a fantastic game with a unique and exciting gameplay experience. It's simple to learn but difficult to master, and the vehicle destruction mechanic is a lot of fun. The game has a few minor flaws, but they do not detract from its overall quality. I strongly advise you to give Contraband Police a shot.

Final Rating: 9.1/10


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