Battlefield 2042: Year 2 Upgrade spotted on Origin, but what is it?

According to recent reports, a "Year 2 Upgrade" for Battlefield 2042 is in the works, with some users spotting the upgrade in Origin. Despite the fact that the news has yet to be officially confirmed, Battlefield 2042 players are already speculating about what the upgrade might include and how it might affect the game.

So far, there has only been one "offer" in Origin's API that mentions the Year 2 Upgrade, with placeholder text that gives no concrete information about what the upgrade might include. However, it is known that the upgrade will cost around €2, and that the store will open on March 1, 2023.


What's interesting is that this is a new development, as the offer was last updated on March 17. Although the information is vague, some players believe that this suggests that Battlefield 2042 will receive a second year of support, beyond the current season 5.


Fans of the well-known first-person shooter game are understandably excited about the prospect of new content and features. While the game has received mixed reviews since its release in 2021, it has retained a loyal fan base that has recently grown. The prospect of increased support and new content would undoubtedly entice these fans.

what to expect

But what exactly might the Year 2 Upgrade entail? While no concrete information is available at this time, there are some rumors circulating in the Battlefield 2042 community. Many players anticipate new maps, weapons, and vehicles, while others anticipate increased support for the game's Portal mode, which allows players to create and share custom game modes.


Cross-play support is one possible direction for the Year 2 Upgrade. Despite the fact that Battlefield 2042 supports cross-platform play, it is currently limited to the same console family. Xbox and PlayStation players, for example, can play together, but PC players can not. Adding full cross-play support to the game would be a welcome addition that could help keep the player base active and engaged.


Of course, until EA makes an official announcement, everything is speculation. However, the presence of the Year 2 Upgrade in Origin suggests that something is in the works. It's possible that EA is still finalizing the details and will make a formal announcement soon.

Players of Battlefield 2042 will have to wait and see what the future holds for their favorite game until then. However, the prospect of a second year of support is undoubtedly exciting, and it has reignited many players' interest in the game.


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