The Olympics’ Esports Lineup Causes Laughter on Social Media

The recent announcement of the Olympics' esports game lineup has elicited amusement and ridicule from gamers all over the internet.

Chess, tennis, and taekwondo are among the games on offer, which aren't esports at all but rather traditional sports put in a not-so-entertaining digital form.


While the growth of esports is a welcome development (though whether the Olympics should be the venue for esports at all is debatable), the lineup appears to be disconnected from what gamers actually want to see in an esports event.

baffling decision

The exclusion of popular esports games like Call of Duty, League of Legends, and Fortnite is somewhat understandable due to the violence in these games, but the lack of games like Mario Kart and Splatoon is a baffling decision.


Gamers are dissatisfied with this lineup and have taken to social media to express their disappointment and frustration. Many people are criticizing the inclusion of games like chess and taekwondo while ignoring the games that are actually played competitively in the esports world.

will they listen?

It remains to be seen how, if at all, the Olympics will respond to the backlash, but if they want to make their esports event a success, they must listen to what gamers actually want.


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