Sony's Emotion-Regulating Patent: A Positive Step or a Slippery Slope?

Sony has applied for a new patent for a system that filters out negativity in voice chat in order to control player emotions during gaming sessions. While this appears to be a positive step toward a more inclusive and positive gaming environment, some have expressed concern about how the system could be abused.

the patent

According to the patent, the system monitors emotional states during communication and triggers moderation rules based on the player's emotional profile. The system can alter message presentation to avoid negative emotions affecting a player's mental health or sensory processing conditions.


While the system's intentions may be good, there are concerns that it will be used to silence players who express legitimate criticisms or concerns. Critics argue that the system could be used to censor dissenting opinions or speech that moderators deem "negative" potentially creating an echo chamber and limiting free expression.

Furthermore, there are concerns about how the system could be used to intrude on the privacy of players. The patent mentions the system monitoring players' emotional states, which raises concerns about how this information would be collected and used.


It's also unclear how the system would differentiate between different types of negativity, like constructive criticism versus hate speech. The patent does not specify how the system would make these distinctions, which leaves room for interpretation and potential abuse.

the future

While the concept of a system that promotes positivity and inclusivity in gaming is appealing, it is important to approach this patent with caution. As with any technology, the potential for misuse and unforeseen consequences must be carefully considered before implementation.


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