RUNGORE Review: A Chaotic Card Battler

Ever wondered what would happen if you mashed up the strategic depth of a deck-building game with the frenetic pace of a real-time strategy? Well, wonder no more because RUNGORE is here to blow your mind. This game takes the familiar mechanics of roguelike deck builders and injects them with a heavy dose of chaos, humor, and a touch of madness.

RUNGORE Review: A Chaotic Card Battler

Gameplay and Mechanics

Imagine if Slay the Spire had a hyperactive cousin on a sugar rush. That’s RUNGORE. The game’s core mechanic revolves around real-time card battles where quick thinking and faster reflexes are paramount. Each card plays out in real-time, meaning you’ll be juggling a deck while dodging enemy attacks, making it a frenetic yet thrilling experience.

The game's humor is one of its standout features. It's filled with meme references and tongue-in-cheek jokes that land surprisingly well. Unlike other games that try too hard to be funny, RUNGORE nails contemporary meme culture without feeling forced. It's refreshing to see a game that understands its audience and delivers humor that actually makes you laugh.

However, not everyone is a fan of the humor and the sudden shift in the game's tone halfway through. Initially, RUNGORE presents itself as a light-hearted, meme-filled adventure, but then it takes a dark turn, introducing horror elements and a more serious narrative. This jarring transition doesn't sit well with everyone, especially those who were enjoying the game's original vibe.

Visuals and Atmosphere

Visually, RUNGORE is a mixed bag. The early levels are colorful and vibrant, matching the game’s wacky humor. But as the game progresses, the visuals take on a darker, more oppressive tone. This shift is meant to complement the narrative turn towards horror, but it can be off-putting for players who preferred the initial aesthetic.

The game’s atmosphere is bolstered by its soundtrack. Early on, the music is upbeat and matches the chaotic gameplay. But just like the visuals, the soundtrack also changes to a more ambient, eerie tone in the latter half. This change is meant to enhance the new atmosphere, but it doesn’t always hit the mark, especially if you were grooving to the earlier tunes.

RUNGORE Review: A Chaotic Card Battler

Story and Narrative

The narrative in RUNGORE is as chaotic as its gameplay. You start off with light-hearted adventures, battling quirky enemies and enjoying the game’s humor. But then, about halfway through, the game pulls a fast one on you. It fake-crashes, and suddenly you’re plunged into a darker, more serious storyline.

This narrative shift includes attempts at horror and deeper lore, but these elements don’t always land. The horror feels out of place in a game that started with dog memes on its card icons. The lore, while interesting, feels like it belongs in a different game. This abrupt change can leave players feeling confused and frustrated, as it seems like the game is trying to be two different things at once.

Challenges and Rewards

RUNGORE is not for the faint of heart. The difficulty ramps up significantly as you progress, with enemies that attack every frame and events that can instantly kill you. The game’s second half is particularly punishing, with design choices that feel more like trolling than genuine challenge.

Despite this, the game is highly rewarding for those who stick with it. The satisfaction of pulling off a perfect combo or surviving a particularly tough battle is immense. The fast-paced gameplay keeps you on your toes, and every victory feels hard-earned.


RUNGORE is a wild ride from start to finish. It’s chaotic, challenging, and filled with humor that actually lands. However, its abrupt tonal shift and increased difficulty can be off-putting. If you’re looking for a unique deck-building experience and can handle a bit of madness, RUNGORE is worth a try. Just be prepared for a game that doesn’t pull any punches and loves to keep you on your toes.

Final Score: 7.5/10


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