Lorelei and the Laser Eyes Review: A Mind-Bending Masterpiece

This game is like nothing you've ever played, and if you think you’re prepared, trust me, you’re not. Developed by Simogo and published by Annapurna Interactive, this puzzle game will have you scribbling notes faster than a student cramming for finals.

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes Review: A Mind-Bending Masterpiece

Gameplay and Puzzles

Imagine wandering through a creepy, monochromatic hotel filled with puzzles that make you question your sanity. The game thrives on its complex and layered puzzles, ranging from logical riddles to mathematical challenges. We're talking runes, symbols, zodiac signs, and everything in between. It's like being trapped in a fever dream with a notebook as your only weapon.

Lorelei’s puzzles are not just brain-teasers; they are intricate pieces of a grander narrative. Every clue, every note, and every eerie whisper plays a role in the overarching story. You’ll encounter everything from strobogrammatic numbers to rearrangements of pictures and keypads with codes that seem to laugh at your attempts to decipher them. If you’re a fan of The Witness or Device 6, you’ll feel right at home here, albeit with more existential dread.

Atmosphere and Visuals

Visually, Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is a stunning noir masterpiece. The stark black-and-white palette is punctuated with bursts of pink and red, giving life to the otherwise minimalist environment. The hotel itself is a character, with its haunting silence and labyrinthine design. It's like the Spencer Mansion got a horror-themed makeover with extra servings of weirdness and unease.

The game excels in creating an atmosphere that’s both beautiful and terrifying. You'll follow blood-like trails, receive creepy phone calls, and meet characters that seem pulled straight from a David Lynch film. The design choices make you feel both claustrophobic and agoraphobic, all while teasing your curiosity to push forward.

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes Review: A Mind-Bending Masterpiece

Story and Narrative

The narrative is as twisted as the puzzles themselves. You start off lost in the woods, leading you to the gates of an enigmatic hotel. From there, it’s a descent into madness. The story unfolds through cryptic notes, surreal encounters, and abstract visual storytelling. There's a philosophical undertone about the nature of art and reality, but it's wrapped in so much mystery that you'll be pondering its meaning long after you’ve put the game down.

The protagonist, Lorelei, navigates this bizarre world with an Audrey Hepburn-esque elegance, making her way through a narrative that feels like a Federico Fellini film merged with a Lovecraftian horror story. Every step, every solved puzzle, pulls you deeper into the rabbit hole, revealing layers of a story that’s as perplexing as it is compelling.

Challenges and Rewards

Be prepared for a mental workout. The game doesn’t hold your hand; it throws you into the deep end with a smile. Puzzles are everywhere, and each one feels like a victory when solved. The satisfaction of connecting the dots and unraveling the hotel’s mysteries is immense. However, the sheer volume and complexity of the puzzles might feel overwhelming at times. This is a game that demands patience, curiosity, and a willingness to think outside the box.

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes Review: A Mind-Bending Masterpiece


Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is not just a game; it's an experience. It challenges you, confuses you, and ultimately rewards you with a sense of accomplishment that's rare in the gaming world. If you love puzzles, noir aesthetics, and stories that make you question reality, this game is a must-play. Just make sure you have a notebook and a pen handy—you’re going to need them.

In summary, Simogo has crafted a game that’s both a love letter to puzzle enthusiasts and a haunting journey through a surreal narrative. It's definitely one of the standout titles of 2024, and I can’t recommend it enough. Dive in, get lost, and enjoy the ride.

Final Score: 9.0/10


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