Hogwarts Legacy Review - An Immersive Journey Through the Wizarding World

Hogwarts Legacy is the most anticipated game of 2023, but does it live up to the hype, or are you better off renting the Harry Potter movies and buying popcorn? Let's see!

Becoming a real wizard/witch

Hogwarts Legacy's graphics are truly stunning, with a beautifully crafted world both inside and outside of Hogwarts. The attention to detail is astounding, from the countless paintings in Hogwarts' halls to the breathtaking landscapes that transport you to the wizarding world, this game will truly make you feel like you are in a different world full of magic.

There is a mountain inside of my room

Unfortunately, the stunning graphics have some flaws. For example, the optimization is quite poor and could be improved, as rain and large fights can cause a noticeable drop in performance, making the game run like a slideshow.

There are also some graphical errors that can be distracting, but they are not frequent.


One of the more noticeable bugs I've encountered while playing is one related to combat. Enemies may become invincible, T-pose, or simply refuse to attack at times. This can significantly alter the difficulty of a fight, making it either a walk in the park to defeat the enemy or requiring a restart.

While these bugs are not too frequent, they are still a concern and can impact the overall enjoyment of the game.

Harry the interior designer

One of the standout features in Hogwarts Legacy is the customization. You have the ability to change anything and everything in your room, making it truly your own. From the color of the walls to the entire room, the level of customization is impressive and honestly an amazing feature of this game, especially as the results are visually stunning.

the story

Hogwarts Legacy has a compelling storyline in addition to stunning graphics. The main and side quests are rich in lore, transporting players on an immersive journey through the wizarding world. The story's attention to detail is self evident, and it truly captures the essence of the Harry Potter universe. Whether you like the books or the movies, the story in Hogwarts Legacy will not let you down.

Robotic Puberty

Players can change their character's voice during character customization. The higher or lower you go, however, the more robotic the voice sounds. The voice is obviously changed by software, which isn't the worst crime, but it's a shame, especially since the highest and lowest levels sound like they came straight out of a 1995 robot movie.

Fan Service

Hogwarts Legacy is a dream come true for fans of the Harry Potter series. The game's lore is extremely detailed, incorporating every detail from books and movies. From Peeves to the moving paintings, fans will be fully immersed into their favorite wizarding world when they look at them, but non-Harry Potter fans will be impressed by the attention to detail, hogwarts is truly alive.

Meow Meow

The ability to pet cats is a fun addition to the game. It may appear to be a minor feature, but I must mention it because... CATS

Pew Pow magic

Hogwarts Legacy's combat is incredible and satisfying. There are numerous spells and combinations to choose from, making each battle feel challenging and unique. The spell casting system is intuitive to use and adds a strategic element to the game.


With stunning graphics, impressive customization options, and satisfying combat, the game is a must-play for fans of the franchise and even gamers in general. The game deserves a 9.1 out of 10, with a rating in the high 9’s the moment all the bugs are fixed and if the game gets a bit more optimized.


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