Congress Pressures Biden Administration to Address Sony's Alleged Interference with Xbox in Japan

In an unexpected move, 11 members of Congress wrote to the Biden administration, urging them to take action against Sony for allegedly interfering with Microsoft's efforts to gain a foothold in the Japanese gaming market. (VIA Axios)

The letter, addressed to US Trade Representative Katherine Tai, claims that Sony engages in anticompetitive practices that harm American businesses.


The letter was spearheaded by Senator Maria Cantwell of Washington, who represents Microsoft's home state, and was signed by ten representatives, six of them from Washington. Other members of Congress, including those from California and Virginia, also supported it.


The lawmakers argued in the letter that Sony has an unfair advantage in Japan, where it has long been a dominant force in the gaming industry. They claim that Sony is abusing its market power to prevent Microsoft from competing on an equal footing. The letter specifically accuses Sony of limiting the availability of Microsoft products in Japan by leveraging its relationships with Japanese retailers and game developers.

The letter also implies that Sony's practices may violate international trade agreements and requests that the US Trade Representative investigate the matter and take appropriate action if necessary.

for years

Microsoft has been attempting to establish a presence in Japan for years, but has been unable to break through in a market long dominated by Sony and Nintendo. The company has made several efforts to increase its presence in the region, including the release of a Japanese-language version of its Xbox platform and collaboration with local game developers.

Microsoft's government affairs team has been discussing this issue with members of Congress, according to Stephen Totilo of Axios Gaming. The company has not responded to the letter or the Sony allegations.

the future

It is unclear whether the Biden administration will take any action on this matter. However, the fact that lawmakers are raising concerns about Sony's practices indicates that the battle for gaming dominance is far from over. With Microsoft and Sony both vying for market share, we can expect more arguments and disputes between the two companies in the coming years.


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