This Grand Life 2 review: Managing Multiple Lives or Just Spreadsheets?

Alright folks, let's talk about "This Grand Life 2," the game that's basically a love letter to Excel spreadsheets but with a bit more flair. If you enjoyed the first game, get ready because this sequel kicks things up a notch by letting you manage multiple characters simultaneously. Developed by some number-crunching geniuses, this game is all about balancing stats, managing resources, and trying not to lose your mind. Let’s see if it’s worth diving into this grand simulation of life—or if it’s just another data-driven headache.

Gameplay and Mechanics

Right off the bat, you’ll notice that "This Grand Life 2" is practically a spreadsheet with graphics. You create your character(s) and are thrown into a world where every decision affects your well-being. Love playing with stats? This game’s got more metrics than you can shake a stick at. Your characters’ traits massively impact the game difficulty, and not in a subtle way. If you hate working but need to, well, tough luck. Your sanity is going to take a nosedive faster than a day trader on Black Monday.

The character creation is surprisingly uncustomizable at first. You can’t pick how your character looks, which is odd until you realize you can change everything through in-game actions like haircuts or plastic surgery. Bold move, but it makes sense—no one gets to choose their looks at birth.

Managing your characters’ daily needs feels like juggling flaming swords. You’ve got to work, eat, sleep, and try to improve yourself, all while keeping an eye on your stats. The automated task system is supposed to help, but I found it about as reliable as a chocolate teapot. Characters would waste hours on unnecessary tasks or get stuck in a loop of eating until they turned into human vacuum cleaners.

Visuals and Atmosphere

Graphically, "This Grand Life 2" is nothing to write home about, but it gets the job done. The city maps are decent, and the overall interface is clean and functional. It’s the kind of game where visuals take a backseat to gameplay, which is fine if you’re here for the stats and management.

The sound is basic but functional. The music is a mixed bag of genres that might set the mood for some but feels like background noise for most. You’re here to crunch numbers, not to get lost in an immersive soundscape.

Story and Immersion

There’s not a lot of story here—your life is the story. Each character's journey is shaped by your decisions and the random events that pop up. It’s a bit like playing "The Sims" but with more spreadsheets and less whimsy. The immersion comes from managing your characters’ lives efficiently, dealing with the consequences of your choices, and occasionally watching everything fall apart in a spectacular fashion.

One neat feature is the ability to pick up traits based on your actions. Work too much? You might get burnout. Exercise regularly? You’ll get a health boost. It adds a layer of realism and forces you to think about the long-term consequences of your daily grind.


"This Grand Life 2" is a solid step up from its predecessor, offering more depth, complexity, and the ability to manage multiple characters. It’s perfect for those who love detailed simulations and aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty with some serious micromanagement. However, it’s not without its flaws. The automated task system needs work, and the game can feel overwhelming with its plethora of stats and metrics.

If you loved the first game or enjoy detailed life simulations, this is definitely worth checking out. Just be prepared to spend a lot of time balancing your characters’ needs and managing their lives down to the smallest detail.

So, ready to dive into the grand spreadsheet of life? Just remember, this game will test your management skills—and your patience.

Final Score: 8/10

We at NLM received a key for this game for free, this however didn’t impact our review in any way.


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