Steam Offers Refunds for The Last of Us Despite Playtime Limit

Following the rocky PC launch of The Last of Us, it has become clear that Steam will provide refunds for the game regardless of how much time has passed. The move comes after the game received only a 42% positive rating on the platform, with many players citing bugs and performance issues as major issues.


Despite the game's initial success and hype on PlayStation, the PC port has been plagued by problems since its release. Many players have reported crashes, glitches, and other technical issues that have rendered the game virtually unplayable.


Steam's decision to offer refunds regardless of playtime is an unusual move for the platform, which typically only allows automatic refunds for games played for less than two hours. However, this is not the first time that Steam has refunded games regardless of playtime, such as Star Wars Battlefront 2, but this only occurs on the buggiest or most disappointing releases.

the future

It remains to be seen how the situation will play out in the end, and whether The Last of Us will be able to recover from its rocky start on PC, but one thing is for sure, this is leaving a stain on PlayStation ports to pc,


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