Don't get me wrong, this game HAS POTENTIAL. It has the basics for a really good horror game: atmosphere, jumpscares, a scary bitch straight out of the Exorcist, and it makes you dread opening the next door. BUT IF I NEED TO FIND ONE MORE KEY, MADE DIFFICULT BY THE BUGS, I MIGHT JUST GO I N S A N E. Still, I'm going to give it a thumbs up (With the note to wait a little bit before buying this game). Let's jump into the how’s and why’s.

You boot up the game

Now, anyone who is familiar with my reviews knows that indie games notoriously annoy me with their non-working or even non-existing settings menus. However, ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to announce that the setting menus actually work! You can change your resolution and all the other spicy things. Although I must say that It is a bit cluncky as it isnt really explained what the “Quality” button does, like…yes it changes the quality, but to what? From low to high, or from high to low? It doesn’t tell you, which is, well… a bit questionable. I did also encounter a little bug where my mouse for some reason displayed over the in-game mouse but as this got fixed the moment I started the game, I’ll let it slide.


And there we go, we have arrived into the actual game, and well, I must say so far I am impressed, the game honestly looks nice, the lighting is pretty good, the environment and the items you find and use look nice, hell the game even has some cutscenes thrown in, they aren’t necessarily long or the highest quality, but still nice additions.

The movement

Alright alright, I’ll stop marveling at the graphics and actually move around a- WHAT THE HELL, WHO IS THIS WOBBLY? Look look, I get what you are going for, but my character moves his head like he’s a damn pigeon while walking, it would be nice to have a setting to edit this because, jeez, my man is ready for a rave. And also…what the hell is going on with his crouching? Like I understand he has to crouch low to avoid being seen by the demon, but when he crouches HE IS TOO LOW TO ACTUALLY GRAB ITEMS FROM THE TABLES AT THE START OF THE GAME, forcing you to kind of find just the right angle to pick up an item which well..can get annoying, luckily after the starting room most rooms are built for your low crouching. Overall, the movement is pretty okay, the head wobbling is annoying at the start but I honestly kind of forgot about it in the middle of the game, and as I said, the crouching problem kind of gets fixed by the environment later.


My man, I understand the developer/developers might not be from an English-speaking country, but please get someone to double-check everything you typed or even double-check it with a dictionary, there are a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes, as I said, I understand that English might not be the developer's first language, but seeing press being misspelled as prees 10 times does slightly take you out of the game.


Now we are getting into a massive positive of the game, the atmosphere is honestly spot on, the excellent combination of the good-looking graphics, the scary sound cues, and the subtle but very well-placed music create an atmosphere that is sure to keep you on your toes throughout your entire playthrough.

The monster/demon

NOW I HAVE SAID THIS BEFORE AND WILL SAY IT AGAIN: if your monster isn’t scary, your game simply isn’t scary. I need to be afraid of what is chasing me, of what can be lurking around every corner, and you know, this game, this game did a pretty damn good job at it, the demon is honestly quite scary, the sound she makes when she sprints towards you in a “the exorcist” style, the way she looks, I honestly would not like to see her show up in my room at 3 am unannounced (Also not announced, although her giving me a call asking if i’m free at 3 am Tuesday night would be quite entertaining)


OH-MY-GOD If I need to find one more key I might just go insane, look, I understand that it’s hard to come up with an objective for every room of your game (Which by-the-way, this game is pretty good at showing you what your objective is trough a nice little objective menu) but why in gods name do I need to get a key, to open a cabinet, which has a key in it, to open another cabinet, which has a code in it, to open another cabinet, which has a key in it to open a door, which has a room behind it, which has a key in it, to open the door to the next level, AND THAT AGAIN AND AGAIN (I am not even exaggerating, thats honestly how one of the levels went) Please, figure something out, spice it up, because it honestly is such a non-exciting part of the in general quite exciting gameplay.


So now let’s talk about the whole reason of why I am going to tell you to not yet buy this game, but to just wishlist, it till some of this stuff is fixed. The bugs and glitches, look, THIS GAME IS SCARY, but its a whole lot less scary when instead of fear you feel frustration from the following things:
It sometimes takes you 50 spacebar presses before you finally jump over something.

You can literally go into a locker right in front of her, and she will forget about you and walk away.

Sometimes you have to press a door multiple times before it finally opens.

There are random freezes, which means you could be sneaking around only to be killed because she sees you and runs towards you while you are unable to move or do anything.

This honestly is the biggest downside of the game right now and needs some attention and love from the developer before I can honestly tell you to buy the game.


Now…I honestly don’t know what to put here, the story is eh.. honestly just eh, like it really feels like it’s a dry piece of bread, just there to compliment a nice thick slice of horror gameplay. It’s nothing impressive and it might leave you with a few questions at the end, but as I assume most people will play this game to get scared and not for the in-depth story, I will forgive it for now.

Although I do have to quickly add that I hope the developer might look into expanding the game, as it only takes you 2 hours to get through and doesn’t really provide a lot of replayability.


WISHLIST THIS GAME, like honestly, its a really nice horror game, it will scare the shit out of you a few times throughout and it will keep your heart rate elevated the entire time, but the bugs make it a sluggish experience at the moment, the moment you see the developer put in a few hotfixes, buy this game, get scared, and question if those clothes on your chair at 3 am might be a demon, but till then, keep it on your wishlist.

5.5/10. 6.5/10 without the bugs.

We at NLM received a key for this game for free, this however didn’t impact our review in any way.


The Escape: Together - REVIEW


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