Resident Evil 4 Remake Voice Actor Bullied: Fans Harass Lily Gao for Performance as Ada Wong

Unfortunately, online harassment of actors and creators in the entertainment industry is not a new phenomenon, and it appears that even the release of a highly anticipated game is not immune to its wrath. Lily Gao, who plays Ada Wong in the Resident Evil 4 Remake, became the center of a social media storm after fans expressed their dissatisfaction with her performance.

ruined excitement

Despite her initial excitement about the role, Gao was quickly bombarded with negative comments, prompting her to deactivate replies and hide all but one of her posts from public view. Some fans criticized her portrayal of Ada Wong, claiming that she "ruined the remake" and that they had "wasted their money" on the deluxe edition.


It's no secret that the Resident Evil franchise has a devoted following, but the level of vitriol directed at Gao is disheartening. It is critical to remember that actors and creators are human beings doing their best to bring a character to life.

While it's understandable for fans to have certain expectations or preferences for how a character is portrayed, harassment and personal attacks are not acceptable.


Gao's decision to disable comments on her Instagram account is a sad reflection of the toxic culture that can sometimes surround fandoms. It is critical to remember that online interactions have real-world consequences, and that behind every screen name is a real person who deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.


While it's saddening that Gao has had to deal with such hateful rhetoric, it's important to note that not all fans feel the same way. Many people have come out in support of Gao and have expressed their appreciation for her contributions to the game. It's critical to stay positive and remember that the Resident Evil community as a whole is welcoming and supportive, even though there are sadly some very very loud bad apples.


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