Madhouse Madness: Streamer's Fate Review: A Streamer's Nightmare

If you’ve ever thought, "Hey, wouldn't it be fun to livestream my nervous breakdown?" then this game is your jam. Developed by the slightly twisted minds at Hurrycat Studios, this game mixes survival horror with the thrill of livestreaming, and let me tell you, it’s a wild ride straight into insanity. Let’s see if this madhouse is worth checking into.

Gameplay and Mechanics

So, you start as a streamer who thinks exploring a spooky, abandoned asylum is a brilliant way to rack up those views. Genius, right? The game’s hook is its faux Twitch stream panel, where your viewers' donations let you buy in-game items. It's a pretty neat trick that ups the immersion and makes you feel like a real streamer—minus the crushing self-doubt and caffeine addiction.

But let’s not kid ourselves—this game is glitchier than a cat on a Roomba. From interactive objects that fail to interact to game-crashing bugs, it’s a rage-quit factory. Imagine getting stuck on the second floor for 40 minutes because a trigger didn’t spawn. Yep, that’s your future here. And the Twitch Chat integration? It works about as often as a broken clock—twice a day if you’re lucky.

Visuals and Atmosphere

Visually, Madhouse Madness is a knockout. The asylum’s decaying walls, eerie lighting, and creepy soundscapes will have you checking over your shoulder. The place is detailed enough to make you wonder if the developers spent a bit too much time in real asylums for “research.”

But, oh boy, the jump scares. They’re everywhere, and while the first few might get you, they quickly become as predictable as a bad horror movie. Overusing jump scares is like telling the same joke repeatedly—it stops being funny and starts being annoying.

Story and Immersion

The story aims high with its creepy lore, unraveling the asylum’s dark past through cryptic notes and puzzles. It’s got potential, but the translation issues make it a hot mess. Some notes are in English, some aren’t, and piecing together the narrative is like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube with missing stickers.

The ghostly interactions add a layer of dread, making every encounter feel significant. The psychological horror is on point, keeping you questioning reality and whether the developers have a vendetta against your sanity.


"Madhouse Madness: Streamer’s Fate" is a rollercoaster of horror, frustration, and dark humor. It’s got a killer concept and nails the atmosphere, but it’s dragged down by technical hiccups and overdone jump scares. If you’re okay with a few bugs and enjoy piecing together fragmented stories, there’s plenty to love here. It’s a unique horror experience that’s worth a try for fans of the genre.

So, ready to dive into the madhouse and face the horrors lurking within? Just remember, this game will mess with your head—and possibly your patience.

Final Score: 7/10

We at NLM received a key for this game for free, this however didn’t impact our review in any way.


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