commit unspeakable acts in Hogwarts Legacy: A Guide to Unlocking the Unforgivable Curses

Are you sick of the same old law-abiding spells in Hogwarts Legacy's wizarding world? Well...then let us p repare you to take your dark magic to new heights with the Unforgivable Curses! These are some of the most powerful spells you can learn, but they aren't without consequences. (Is what a better person would say)

These spells are so evil that they are forbidden to use in the wizarding world, but who cares about rules when it comes to a little virtual magic? (I'm not responsible if you accidentally blow up Hogwarts.) Let's get into the guide and see how you can unleash your inner dark war-crime-committing wizard!

Unlocking the Imperio Spell

The Imperio spell is the first of three Unforgivable Curses, and it grants the spell-caster complete control over their subject. This powerful spell, which can be unlocked by completing the "In The Shadows Of Time" quest, is more manipulative than a gaslighting ex and is ideal for use during battles.

This quest can be obtained by checking their Owl Post menu for a letter from Sebastian around level 17. To obtain the Imperio spell, players must complete the quest and enter Sebastian's childhood home as well as a cave to find an ancient relic. Sebastian will teach the curse at the end of the mission.

Unlocking the Avada Kedavra Spell

Players must first reach level 28 and progress through the Sebastian's Relationship questline to obtain the Avada Kedavra spell. Completing the "In the Shadow of the Relic" quest unlocks the spell. (What is it with this guy and shadows in his quest titles?)

During the quest, players must track down Sebastian in the Feldcroft area and speak with him. To learn the killing curse, players must first select "Everyone should know the curse" and then "Yes, please" during the dialogue. But don't worry, if you chose the light and legal path in a moment of weakness, you can always return to Sebastian and speak with him to obtain the Avada Kedavra spell.

Unlocking the Crucio Spell

The Crucio spell is an Unforgivable Curse that deals massive damage to the enemy throughout the battle. To obtain this spell, players must once again complete a series of quests in Sebastian's quest line.

The quest "In The Shadows Of the Study" will offer players the chance to use the Crucio spell. To obtain it, players must visit the Slytherin's Scriptorium and interact with Sebastian Sallow. During the conversation, players must choose to perform the curse themselves. After that, they will be able to use the spell to avoid paying taxes...and possibly other nefarious purposes.

So there you have it, everyone! Three of the game's most powerful and evil spells at your disposal! Just remember that with great power comes great responsibility, or something along those lines, eh who am I kidding, go blow someone up, lil timmy!


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